Friday, September 26, 2008

'Red alert' story vanishes

The bailout talks have failed. Much of the GOP is in revolt. Wall Street biggies are horrified at not being able to stay in control.

So I go to the LA Times website about five minutes ago in order to see that paper's take on the crisis. The screen says that Pentagon security has been breached and that the nation is now on red alert. Then, the screen disappears and the bailout story shows up.

I can't retrieve the "red alert" story, so I don't know what's going on. Google turns up nothing relevant. I was just at the New York Times and Washington Post sites. They had nothing.

So is that weird or what? I can't help but suspect that the administration is about to force through its bailout program via martial law imposed following a major "terrorist" attack that is on the verge of being staged.


Anonymous said...

Wish you'd made a screen shot! Just hit Print Screen (if you are using Windows) when that next happens, then open up a graphics program and paste..

Unknown said...

What the hell was that? This has serious ramifications whether they try to chuck it down the memory hole or not .Has anyone managed to get a copy ? Who wrote this? Is it an ad as some have said? I confess I didn't even get to read all of it before it went poof -is that normal for the latimes site? Someone said something about once per ip?

Ed said...

I saw it too! But now I can't get it to come back.

Unknown said...

just a sick ad for a sick psyop movie.